The travel restrictions announced for Monday 2nd November by the First Minister are as follows:
If you live in a Level 1 or 2 council area, you must not travel into a Level 3 or Level 4 council area except for essential purposes.
Ardtower Caravan Park is located in the Highland area which is currently a Level 1 area.
If you live in a Level 3 council area or in future a Level 4 area, please do not travel outside the council area you live in - unless you require to do so for essential reasons.
Level 1 - Highland, Moray, Western Isles, Orkney, Shetland
Level 2 - Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen, Fife, Scottish Borders, Dumfries & Galloway, Argyll & Bute, Perth & Kinross and Angus
Level 3 - Inverclyde, East and West Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire, City of Glasgow, South Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, Stirling, Falkirk, Clackmannanshire, City of Edinburgh, Midlothian, West and East Lothian, Dundee, North & South Lanarkshire
Level 4 - N/A
Ardtower Caravan Park do request for you to follow the above to ensure we all stay safe and protect each other.
Our shared facilities will now be open however we would request in light of the current circumstance to use your own self-contained facilities where appropriate.
Now that the Scottish Government has put trust in us we all need to follow the guidelines carefully. Next week we will give you up to date park rules to follow for the ‘new normal’. In the meantime please bear in mind the following procedures so that you are prepared for your visit:
· Reception and all communal facilities will be only accessible if necessary.
· Only the owners of each caravan and the members of their immediate household will be allowed in each caravan.
· No overnight or day visitors will be allowed on park.
· We will be “tracking and tracing” and need your cooperation to ensure that we know who is in the park at any given time.
· We need you to maintain 2 metres social distancing and regularly wash your hands.
· Please do not approach members of staff. We will give out a “hotline” phone number to deal with any requests or issues you may have.
· Please stay alert if you are out and about locally and be considerate. We all benefit from a good and trusted relationship with the local community.
· Please be patient and kind - we are all recovering from the lockdown. We are all learning to interact differently.
We are excited to be welcoming you all back. Rest assured the holiday park will be safe and relaxing.
Best wishes Elaine and Tosh